Training Tip: Are You ACTUALLY Warmed Up?


Everyone knows that warming up before physical activity is important, but are you ACTUALLY doing it? And are you getting warm ENOUGH?

Especially when you’re new to aerial arts, but even for seasoned students, it can be tempting to under-do your warm-up in the interest of saving energy. After all you came to class or open gym to climb, not to sweat it out on the ground and exhaust yourself before you ever even get to a foot lock!

But believe me, that first climb is going to feel so much better with a warm body, especially where your grip is concerned. Your energy will go farther right from the start if you make sure you warm up thoroughly before you even think about touching that apparatus! That includes the muscles you may normally forget about, like the ones needed for grip.

“Warm-up” is an accurate phrase, since you should feel warm and a little sweaty if you’ve done it properly. Not only that, but specific muscle groups such as forearms, upper back and rotators, and abdominals, should burn a bit. That’s when you know you’re ready to go!

An added bonus is that perspiration also helps your skin stick to the fabric a little better, and turns rosin into that sticky consistency you’re looking for.

A good warm-up should include the following:

  • 5-10 minutes of light cardio, like jogging or a low impact cardio circuit. It should get your heart rate up and cause you to break a sweat, but not be so intense that you can’t carry on a conversation.

  • Lunges, squats, and kicks for hip flexors and glutes.

  • Rotator cuff exercises: check out this blog from Cirque Physio for some great ideas.

  • Core exercises galore! For abdominals: Banana Rockers. For your back: superman or swimmers.

  • Forearm and hand warm-ups, such as Fist Flashes (more on those later).

  • Exercises that target any other muscles groups or movements you plan to use in your training session.

  • Light stretching - just enough to help prepare your muscles for the activities ahead, NOT pushing to increase your range of motion.

Muscles that are warm will be ready for you when you need them, so give them some love before you ask them to haul your butt into the air!

Happy Training!