

A few years ago I was training a lot, and although it meant that I was very strong, I couldn't shake the feeling of dread that followed nearly every training session: that I was getting old and falling apart.

My body felt wrecked! It seemed like new problems were popping up constantly: sciatic pain, a twisting feeling in my knees, shoulder twinges, back pain, on and on it went. Never anything I couldn't train through, but a constant fear that these little problems would eventually grow into injuries that would end my career.

Then I started conditioning. By that I mean the boring stuff. Of course, I'd always done my aerial conditioning during every training session: pull-ups, climbing drills, a billion straddle inversions, etc. My hip flexors and core were super strong! But what were my opposing muscles (like glutes) doing?

Not a whole lot.

As soon as I focused on working those opposing muscles, my pain began to disappear. I could get out of bed in the morning without feeling twice my age! My flexibility improved, my sciatic pain went away. A whole new world of healthy training and longevity opened up!

This is why I started the Cirque-It Conditioning classes. PROPER CONDITIONING IS SO IMPORTANT! It's an indispensable compliment to your aerial/circus training.

I'll keep sharing little tips and reasons why it's so important, and hopefully I'll see more of you in the conditioning classes this summer and fall. 😉
