Training Tip: Booty Bumps!

This is an all time fave!

booty bumps.png

Want to target those stubborn lower abdominal muscles? You know, the ones that don’t like to work but are essential to every aerial inversion you’ll ever do?

Meet the Booty Bump!

Start in a Hollow Body position (like the Banana Rockers/Canoes that we highlighted a couple weeks ago). Lift your legs to 90 degrees and, WITHOUT USING MOMENTUM, lift your hips off the floor and send your feet straight up to the ceiling. Slowly lower back to Hollow Body.

If you don’t feel anything after a few of these, you may be swinging your legs up and using that momentum to raise your hips, rather than your muscles. To avoid that, be sure to PAUSE AT 90 DEGREES before lifting your hips off the ground. That should fix it!

Happy Training!