Our Story: Part 3 - Moving to Muskoka

Our Story Part 2: Moving to #Muskoka.

In September 2015, we packed everything up and headed north, looking for a place to open a training space of our own where we could create, train, and teach. We knew we would struggle to afford our own place in Toronto, and the city just didn’t suit the lifestyle we dreamed of. Being avid canoe trippers, we wanted to live closer to the outdoors. So we moved without a space to train and no capital to build one - just faith that if we leapt, we could build the plain on the way down!

Little did we know it would still take almost 5 years to finally lease our own space, but we managed to glide just fine.

Because there is a magic to small towns. Someone always knows someone who has what you need. And thus we found, through pure chance, a conversation with a new friend who knew another friend who’d just opened a great little gym just outside of #Huntsvilleontario called @beyondobstacles. It was (and still is) owned by a wonderful woman named Cas, and we moved in just before it became too cold to train outside.

Crisis averted!

Photo: This is Alana, one of our first students in Muskoka, training at Beyond Obstacles.