Ashley's Blog - part 7 - Just Keep Climbing

Well last week sucked, but this week was a new week with new challenges.  I started the class off with a positive attitude and decided I was just going to do my best!


Climbing was still a struggle this week, but I gave it my all.  Was able to complete a single mechanic on each side for both the standard (French) climb and the Russian climb.  Ideally, I want to be able to do 2-4 mechanics on each side by the end of the semester, so here’s hoping!


Working on other components for the student show is going along ok, however not sure how I am going to string them all together.  I figure getting them down is the priority and then I will work on making it all flow.  Between inversions and getting into the air, I am feeling more confident and really pushing myself to try, even if I am not sure if I will succeed.


A sneak peak into the student showcase, I am using a song from one of my favourite artists Billy Joel.  Any guesses?


See you next week!

Ashley Gooyers